This is an important announcement to all fans of Michael & PiggyMcPig.

Those who are unfamiliar with the series should disregard this message and get with the times already.

However, to those whom this message concerns; welcome back. It's good to see you again.

Let's talk one on one with each other. You might have realized that we are past due on releasing my first episode of the (now) 15-year-old comic series. This has been a decision made by me on purpose. I know I specifically said "June 10, 2023", and now it's June 20, 2023, at the time I'm typing this out. 10 days of radio silence until today. I know you would expect this type of false hope from your local politician or your parents, but not this independent comic series "artist". And that is why I made this announcement to tell you this:

I have failed to deliver you the first episode, and I am truly sorry.

Although I can't see or know if you would forgive or not forgive me, but no matter what your choice is, I do want to say that I am not giving up hope for this comic series. I put 15 years of blood, sweat, tears, and love to this comic series and I would certainly not give it up right now. If you were to know my situations in my life, you would see why there is such a long wait for making the first episode. And it's not just the situations I have in life, there's also history that is changing right now as we speak.

If you want to know what's happening behind the scenes, I already come up with a main story to tell, along with the main characters and their backgrounds as well. Almost everything is set up, finalized and ready to be shown to the world. However, there were some unexpected roadblocks that just appeared. You may have already known what's happening with the technology world, and that reason alone is one of the main roadblocks that caused the first episode to be delayed. There is also other stuff that are waiting to be finalized, but I really can't explain what it is until it is done. But rest assured that this would absolutely help me in the long run and to make this comic series free to read for as long as possible. Trust me, the world could be a cruel place sometimes, so why not cover my ass before I do anything else at all. Anyway, it would take months to finalize everything and release the first episode, so I would like for you to wait just a little bit longer. You've waited years for this, so why now wait a little bit more. Believe me, it would all make sense later.

However, when you do finally get to see the first episode, it may confuse you. Just note that the newest iteration of "Michael & PiggyMcPig" that's about to be unveiled with the first episode, is not just a family of 7 humans and a green pig. That is just a small stroke of the brush. Once you step out of the comfort of the family that we all know and love, you'll see more and more of the gigantic canvas I've laid out for you to see, and I can't wait to see your shocked face when you see it for the first time and realize why I went years of not creating any new episodes.

And remember that we are living in an unprecedented point of history in our lives, so don't get too comfortable seeing the lovely Banks family on your small or medium digital rectangle. The future is certainly not ours to see, so who knows what will happen. But I do have some general ideas that may come to life soon, maybe sooner than we expect. But for now, give me some time, and this may be the last time I'll ask you for it. I know you're still anxious to see the whole cast and crew, and I wouldn't doubt that they're waiting for you as well. Don't worry, you'll see them. You'll see them soon.

See you next year.