Project I/O

I/O Twitter Banner


Project I/O is a project to see if I can try to win the tickets. If successful, more details will be put here soon. If not, come back here next year.

So, What is the goal of Project I/O?

My goal is to get into Google I/O. I'm saving up so that I can go to Mountain View, and share my experience along the way. In this project you can see the progress that I made, and some other stuff that will come in the future. (That is if I win.)

Google I/O 202X Twitter Account

The Google I/O Twitter account was a account that was half "Countdown to the next I/O" and half "News and updates to the next I/O". This account was also useful keep track of the general schedule when I/O is live, and a great place to go if the I/O website is down for some reason. May it rest in peace.